NFM Magazine - May 2021

"Nadia Akhtar is an up-and-coming photographer who realized her passion for photography after her husband gave her a gift that changed her life - a DSLR camera. Before her passion for photography, she admits that she was drawn to artistic hobbies, but “[they] just didn’t burn a fire in me.” However, this was the opposite when she was given her beloved first camera. While still maintaining her full-time job as a finance manager, Nadia teaches an important lesson on following your passions to the fullest extent while maintaining a routine schedule. When Nadia first got her camera, she admits that she was very intimidated by the difficulty of learning hundreds of camera settings, but it didn’t stop her from eventually growing more comfortable with it. She began taking her camera with her everywhere, snapping photos of anything and everything she could see. She said, “I became obsessed with it. I couldn’t stop. I could stay up until two or three in the morning retouching photos...I had never felt so drawn to anything in my lifetime.” She began to learn more about the camera, which soon blossomed into something she would get paid to do. Many people started to ask her to do paid shoots, and she was astonished by the response. She started to become serious about photography at that point, saying, “When you really love something, and you’re taking it so seriously, you will naturally get much better at it over time.” So she continued working her full-time job while also pursuing her passion, even if it meant working until she fell asleep. Eventually, her husband began to attend the shoots as well to help out. Even though he did not have the same passion for photography, he understood how to light the subjects. Previously, Nadia would complete the job by herself, however, after her husband joined their now “two-man team,” they were able to become a dynamic duo. Later on, they joined forces with a makeup artist and hairstylist to create the perfect dream team. Her passion has truly taken on a life of its own, and she couldn’t be more thrilled about it. Typically, as soon as she books a shoot, she starts to get to know the people she will be photographing to figure out what will look best for them. What’s most important to Nadia is “having real-life conversations to really get to know each model because as a photographer, it's the only way to capture the true essence of a person.” The most valuable photos to Nadia are those that show real reactions and emotion. Nadia said, “Even in fashion shoots, there is raw emotion, and there is forged emotion.” The only way to capture their authenticity is through real reactions. She notes that “being authentic with clients allows them to be authentic back with you.” One of the most important lessons she has learned is the amount of planning that goes into a shoot. She was taught, “Everything is in the planning; once you are at the shoot, you just execute.” What Nadia finds most appealing about the camera is its “ability to free her from everyday life.” She absolutely adores photographing people. She says, “There’s something I love about capturing a moment in time, where something only stays that way for that one moment, and life or circumstances change.” Photography has taken over Nadia’s life in the best possible way. After working her full-time job, she still does full shoots approximately two weekends a month. Each shoot has roughly an entire 24-hour period dedicated to it. Nadia says, “It is usually a full day shoot. I’m talking from eight in the morning to one in the morning.” Even though it is an intense process, it fulfills her hunger for her photography. Nadia’s advice to young photographers would be “If it drives you, if it keeps you up at night, and if you think about it in everything that you see, then follow that passion. If you no longer see the ocean in front of you, rather you see a photograph, or that person who is drinking coffee next to you, and you see their expression as a photograph, if that's you, get yourself a mentor. The next thing you know,” she said, “you’ll be on the road to becoming a photographer.” Nadia admits that she has had many mentors throughout her journey, which have helped her become the strong, independent photographer she has become today. In her own experience of finding a mentor, she used social media platforms as a way to connect with them. She was ecstatic when her first mentor had answered her message on Facebook, and they began to forge an amazing bond. She had found her second mentor after she had done headshots for Shawn Kemp, a Seattle Super Sonics Legend. She had posted her photos into a discussion forum where she had asked for critical advice on her work. Her mentor had seen the post and was baffled that she had asked for any criticism at all, and said, “Why would you ask anyone to criticize this? It is beautiful.” This kind of response opened communication between the two, and another unforgettable bond was formed. Nadia still reaches out to her mentors from time to time, but she has branched out from them and begun her own journey. She firmly stands by the phrase, “If you want something bad enough, you’ll get it... and I have never wanted anything as much as I wanted this.” With the help of her team, she is a solo artist who is making waves in the creative world with her art. She shared, “It is not up to anyone else to decide if your art is worthy, or loved, perfect, or imperfect. It is up to you.” Hard work, determination, and ambition have all paid off. Nadia Akhtar, independent photographer and financial manager, is able to follow her passions while maintaining a career with her husband right by her side. Be sure to check out her latest work, you won’t want to miss it!"